
Tips on How to Organize Digital Photos for Photographers

While the job of being a photographer is mostly a creative profession, it also involves plenty of admin. Just like any business endeavor, there’s always some element of administration work to tackle. And for photographers, that’s photo organization. It’s absolutely crucial to stay on top of this task because photographers deal with hundreds of digital


Lorawan Technology : Summary

Lorawan (r) is a network-based, secure wireless technology for low-power IoT networks. It connects devices to the Internet and manages communication between end nodes, devices and network gateways. Lorawan offers long-distance wireless connections to low-power IoT terminals operating on unlicensed frequencies. Lorawan has a large ecosystem of device manufacturers, gateway manufacturers, antenna manufacturers, network service


Overcoming the Challenges of ESG Sustainability Reporting

Do you have a business or organization and have been wondering how to enhance its performance? One of the proven strategies you can adopt is ESG reporting. This is disclosing the social, environmental, and corporate impacts of a company. The process involves developing clear goals and strategies for reducing the negative impacts of a business